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The "aspects" between planets (in fact specific angles between the earth at center and the zodiacal points)  clarify the kind of relations that planets have between them or with privileged points of the zodiac.

Some relations are "harmonious", they facilitate the expression of associated planets while enriching the way to be of each of her with the qualities of the other. Other are "dynamic", negative or rather "dissonant". In this case, the expression of planet qualities will require courage and time to be expressed, they will be inhibited, and on contrary the defects will be revealed .

The "major" said traditional aspects them most used in astrology, it is a question of :

Conjunction (angle 0 degree), the two planets are situated on the same zodiac point (or near) with an admissible gap called "orb" aspect. Usually the admitted orb forms an angle of 8 to 10 degrees for the quick planets (Mercury, Venus, March), and least for the slow planets (Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), the two "luminars" of zodiac (the Moon, the Sun) benefit from special conditions according to their importance, orb can approach 15 degrees.

The Conjunction between planets can be harmonious or dissonant, that depends on proper expressions to each. That depends also on the fact that the planets are situated in the same signs or in different signs. For example a Jupiter conjunction in 28° Virgin and Venus in 0° Libras will be probably dynamic, with Jupiter in 1° Libra it will be more harmonic.

Sextil (angle 60 degrees) favors the exchange of energy between two planets, the placement in practices of their qualities, this practical aspect prevails on the intellectual or cerebral being. The sextil lack can be clumsiness source in the expression or in the being of the subject. A Sextil can be dissonant if it links up two planets separated by two signs to the place of only one for example Venus in 29° Aries and Jupiter in 0° Cancer associates the Fire of Aries and the water of the Cancer, that will boil !

Square (angle 90 degrees), marks a dissonance, it will be necessary to fight against itself to integer the real qualities of each planet and according to that they are or not in a sign that is for them propitious, that will be more or less easy. The square lack may produce a less pugnacious individual, lowering the arms to the least vexation. A square can be attenuated when the associated planets are separated by three complete signs. For example March in 29° Aries and Jupiter in 1° Leo associate the Fire devouring and the Fire reheating, it is possible (but not sure) that the mastery of the square by the subject is facilitated.

Trigone (angle 120 degrees), is the picture of the ease, there can be danger carelessness, the qualities risk of not be well integrated by lacks energy (one learns sometimes in the happiness, one constructs only in the suffering). The trigone misses can inhibit the expression of the native one, or to be to the origin of doubts on the life way to go in some circumstances. A trigone associating for example the end of Aquarius (air sign) and the beginning of the Cancer (water sign) can be decreased, some astrologers simply omit in this case the aspect of analyzes.

Opposition (angle 180 degrees), marks the antagonism of the two points, they prevent themselves mutually to express itself, it will not be hardly easy to put emphasis on their qualities except if the one of them is located in a place where it is comfortable (residence or intense excitement). The opposition lack will put a someone "weak" in the psychological structures of the subject, it maybe will lack force. Opposition can be attenuated or mastered if in place of associating two antinomic signs (for example Leo and Aquarius) it associates two complementary signs (for example in 0° Leo and in 29° Capricorn). That can nevertheless to the opposite aggravate the passions, some does all depends on the "quality" planets.

It exists a lot of others called "minors" aspects of which utility sometimes is protested, but of which the meaning seems, all at least in some cases, be efficient. The most useful one seems to be the
Quincunxe (angle 150°) that favors the social side of the points secured by this aspect (if the dynamic side always present is overcome), in most of cases, it is necessary to sacrify something to progress through this aspect.

Some does look to minors aspects when there is not visible major aspect in the theme.  Thus, if there are not any square in horoscope, one looks for the half-squares (45 degrees) and the sesqui-square (135 degrees). But they are far from having the major aspect power.

Others remarkable angles were studied, especially in karmic astrology, they take place when the representative, lunar knots of Karma and Dharma of the subject are in aspect with the governors of occupied signs

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